Prenovljena zunanjost RTV postojanke na vrhu Stola 1673m / The renewed exterior of RTV transmitter station on the top of Stol 1673m

Prenovljena zunanjost RTV postojanke na vrhu Stola 1673m v novembru 2014.
Žal pa je RTV postojanka celo leto zaprta!

The exterior of RTV transmitter station on the top of Stol 1673 m was renewed in November 2014.
Unfortunately the station is closed for all seasons!

Stol 1673m—>

More pictures of the top of Stol and Stol ridge at —>

Več slik vrha Stola in pogorja dobite na —>

RTV postojanka na vrhu Stola

Lep planinski pozdrav!

By PD Kobarid
